BPpy: Behavioral programming in Python
Published in SoftwareX2023, 2023
How to cite
T. Yaacov, ``BPpy: Behavioral programming in Python,’’ SoftwareX, vol. 24, p. 101556, Dec. 2023.
This paper presents BPpy, a novel framework for behavioral programming (BP) in Python. Designed with a flexible architecture, BPpy is crafted for easy integration with various Python platforms and systems, enabling the utilization of scenario-based programming for creating enhanced models for artificial intelligence (AI)-driven systems and vice versa. We illustrate how BPpy implements the principles of BP and extends them towards integrating with existing AI-based tools. The framework’s core principles and design are presented, followed by a comparison of its main features against those of current state-of-the-art BP-based frameworks.
Behavioral programming, Artificial intelligence